
Monday, November 27, 2017

Reality CHECK Packet

Don't be sad, 
everything will be okay! 

                  -Words I Tell Myself 
                    Every Morning 

It feels weird to say that
I may now need to call 
myself a Poet, because 
I didn't find the poems,
the poems found me.

Without really knowing it, 
I stepped into the shoes of a 

A friend once told me she
was envious, because she
realized that if she never
left her parents house, she
would've had the resources
and time to go after her dreams.

I donated my brain to Science. 
Halfway through the procedure 
I felt the drill. 

Don't pity me because it seems
like I'm going through a hard time,
pity yourself because you're not yet
comfortable enough to bring your 
own issues forward.

I need motivation.
I need it so bad like 
a heroine addict needs crack,
and I wonder everyday
why I don't have it.

Today I saw a hat that
had the word Titties on it.
I had to have it.

There is a pressure.
It comes from all sides.

All this talk to conform
and you only want me to 
because people won't stop
talking about the shame. 
"What shame?"

One of the reasons I 
need to be free is 
because I'm too messed 
up to conform.