
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Born Alive

If I could be any being I'd be a bird,
soaring through the heavens on gifted wings
plucking food from the ground with my feet.

As my wings slice through the permeable air
I'll choreograph dances to the moon and
perch on the highest acres of the tallest trees,
friend to these allied points that prod at our sky

Secluded, yet proud, peaceful.

Content looking into a distance not yet known
but always normal-


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The Stowaway

Bob the stowaway rubbed his
appendages together as he hung.
The ride was smooth,
and the hosts were vaguely aware
of his presence.

He plotted, dreaming of blue skies
and skyscraper views
sweet coffee and bagels,

blinking as his vision
diminished to a series of lines.

In five hours he would
stow off this van,
and be in new country